B.E.L.L. Tips – Trail of Tears

B.E.L.L. Tips – Trail of Tears

Issue #96

English Tips for:

Business English Language Learners (B.E.L.L.)

Trail of Tears

I will send out some handy tips and useful exercises for adults learning to navigate and use the English language each week. Please feel free to share this newsletter with friends and colleagues.

The Trail of Tears is a part of American history that is often not told. The U.S. government forced over 60,000 Indigenous people from their homes in the Southeast and relocated them to Oklahoma between 1830 and 1850. These people are often referred to as “The Five Civilized Tribes” and include members of the Cherokee, Muscogee (Creek), Seminole, Chickasaw, and Choctaw nations.

My own family ancestry includes members of the Creek nation, so I find this piece of history particularly fascinating.

Thousands of people died en route due to exposure to the weather, disease, and starvation. This event was essentially an ethnic cleansing of the natives who lived on the land before the white Europeans arrived.

Reading and Listening Tip

Language Level – B1

This video gives a brief history of the Trail of Tears. Turn on the cc to read along while listening to the video.

video preview

Grammar Tip

Language Level – B1

We generally like to use active voice when writing or speaking.

Let’s Practice!

First, identify whether each sentence uses an active or passive voice. Second, practice your writing skills by rewriting each sentence in the opposite voice.

Example: John ate the chocolate cake. (active)

The chocolate cake was eaten by John (rewrite to passive)

  1. The shoplifter was tackled by security.
  2. Jenny smashed the vase on the floor.
  3. David pulled the fire alarm.
  4. 85 people were boarded onto the bus.
  5. Rachel led the staff meeting.
  6. However, the agenda was introduced by Sam.
  7. The crowbar was used to open the window.
  8. The team was defeated by their opponents.

Vocabulary Tip

Language Level – B2

We continue to add to our vocabulary words from the Oxford 3000.

A list of 3000 words someone should know if they are taking the CEFR (Common European Framework Reference) language tests.

  1. Dozen (n, det)
  2. Draft (n, v)
  3. Drag (v)
  4. Dramatic (adj)
  5. Edit (v)
  6. Edition (n)
  7. Efficient (adj)
  8. Elderly (adj)
  9. Elect (v)
  10. Elsewhere (adv)

Use this quizlet to study this vocabulary (it’s free!)

Each week new words are added to the same quizlet, so all of the B2 level words will be in one list for practice.

Weekly Challenge

Language Level – B1

Choose the correct homophone for each sentence.

  1. My parents told me to (cell / sell) my bicycle.
  2. I had (eight / ate) dollars left in my wallet.
  3. I did (not / knot) know about the surprise party.
  4. We (one / won) the lottery!
  5. Did you look (in / inn) the cabinet for the canned food?
  6. We went on a boat to (sale / sail) around the world.
  7. He was my (knight / night) in shining armour.


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