B.E.L.L. Tips – The 13th Floor

B.E.L.L. Tips – The 13th Floor

Issue #113

English Tips for:

Business English Language Learners (B.E.L.L.)

The 13th Floor

Each week I will send out some handy tips and useful exercises for adults learning to navigate and use the English language. Please feel free to share this newsletter with friends and colleagues.

Why don’t hotels in the US have a 13th floor? Step into an elevator, and you will find that the buttons often jump from the 12th floor to the 14th floor. Many hotels in the U.S. avoid labeling a floor as the 13th due to triskaidekaphobia, the fear of the number 13. This superstition has roots in various cultural and religious beliefs, including Norse mythology and Christian traditions, which associate 13 with bad luck.

Because of this, many buildings, especially hotels and skyscrapers, simply skip numbering the 13th floor. Instead, the floor is either left unnumbered or labeled as 14, 12A, or something else.


Language Level – B2

We continue to add to our vocabulary words from the Oxford 3000.

A list of 3000 words someone should know if they are taking the CEFR (Common European Framework Reference) language tests.

  1. Largely (adv)
  2. Latest (n)
  3. Launch (v, n)
  4. Leadership (n)
  5. League (n)
  6. Lean (v)
  7. Leave (n)
  8. Level (v)
  9. License (n)
  10. Limited (adj)

Practice this vocabulary with Quizlet.

Reading Tip

Language Level – B2

Read about the haunted tale of the Chimera House, the origin of the 13th floor mystery: https://dailybriefers.com/the-tale-of-the-haunted-13th-floor/

Grammar Tip

Language Level – B1

Infinitive or Gerund?

Infinitives are verbs that begin with “to” such as:

  • to read
  • to buy
  • to walk
  • to eat

Gerunds are verbs that end with “ing” like this:

  • reading
  • buying
  • walking
  • eating

BUT – they are identified as a Gerund (ing) or Infinitive (to) when they FUNCTION as a noun.

This is one of the most difficult grammar lessons because there are many different rules. So we will break down the rules one at a time over the next few weeks.

Tip: Microlearning, or learning things in smaller pieces, is very helpful for retention (remembering the material permanently).

First week: Gerunds and infinitives as the subject of a sentence.

Last week: Gerunds or Infinitives after certain verbs.

This week: A few verbs take both gerunds and infinitives, but with a significant difference in the meaning:

Let’s Practice!

Put the verb into the correct form:

  1. I don’t fancy ______ (go) out tonight.
  2. She avoided ______ (tell) him about her plans.
  3. I would like ______ (come) to the party with you.
  4. He enjoys ______ (have) a bath in the evening.
  5. She kept ______ (talk) during the film.
  6. I am learning ______ (speak) English.
  7. Do you mind ______ (give) me a hand?
  8. She helped me ______ (carry) my suitcases.
  9. I’ve finished ______ (cook). Come and eat!
  10. He decided ______ (study) biology.
  11. I dislike ______ (wait).
  12. He asked ______ (come) with us.

Pronunciation Tip

Language Level – All levels

Below are some commonly mispronounced words in American English, along with a phonetic pronunciation. Even native speakers get these wrong sometimes.

If you don’t know the definition, this is also a good way to expand your vocabulary. If the phonetic clue is difficult to understand, click on the speaker to hear the word pronounced. Here is a link to a dictionary: https://www.merriam-webster.com/

  1. Suspicious (suh-SPISH-uhs)
  2. Inveigle (in-VAY-guhl)
  3. Gyro (YEE-roh)
  4. Hypocrisy (hi-POK-ruh-see)
  5. Philanthropy (fi-LAN-thruh-pee)
  6. Chimera (kie-MEAR-uh)
  7. Syllable (SIL-uh-buhl)
  8. Zucchini (zoo-KEE-nee)
  9. Chalet (shall-AY)
  10. Isthmus (IS-muhs)

Weekly Challenge

Language Level – C1

Practice the standard American accent with this video:

video preview

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113 Cherry St. #92768, Seattle, WA 98104-2205
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