B.E.L.L. Tips – MLK

B.E.L.L. Tips – MLK
Learn English Here!Tips and Tricks for Business English Language Learners (B.E.L.L.)
Martin Luther King, Jr. |
Each week, I will send out some handy tips and useful exercises for adults learning to navigate and use the English language. Please feel free to share this newsletter with friends and colleagues. Use the link below for more in-depth language coaching and schedule a 1:1 consultation. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr (MLK) was a prominent civil rights movement leader in the United States in the 1960s. We celebrate his legacy with a national day of service on the third Monday in January. He led a nonviolent crusade against racist segregation policies and horrendous brutality against Black people in America. Americans are encouraged to observe the day “with acts of civic work and community service” in honor of King’s legacy. Want to boost your language learning practice?Sign up for 1:1 coaching with me!Click the button below to contact me for 1:1 coaching rates.
VocabularyNEW FEATURE! Use the button below to grab your own flashcards with vocabulary you can study on your phone. There is no need to come back to the newsletter. Spend a few minutes practicing your English vocabulary each day to strengthen your skills even faster.
GrammarBrain Break. Let’s get back to basics and take a break from conditionals. An adjective is a part of speech that modifies a noun or pronoun. Adjectives usually tell what kind, how many, or which about nouns or pronouns. An adverb is a part of speech that modifies another adverb, a verb, or an adjective. It is often recognized by the suffix -ly at the end of it.
Let’s Practice! Choose the correct modifier for each sentence below:
Reading and Listening PracticeFollow the link below to read an article that describes different podcasts you can listen to and learn more about MLK. Choose a podcast and listen to the story in English. https://www.npr.org/2023/01/13/1148690803/podcasts-mlk-martin-luther-king-jr-day Weekly ChallengePrepositions are small but mighty. Place the correct English preposition in these common email sentences below: 1. Thank you _____ advance for your help with this matter. 2. I’d like to follow up _____ our conversation from yesterday. 3. I look forward _____ hearing you. 4. Could you please take a look ___ this for me? 5. Please get back ____ me as soon as possible. 6. Could you please give me an update____ your progress? 7. Would you be interested___ receiving our quarterly newsletter? 8. I should have an answer for you___ the end of the day at the latest. 9. On behalf____ the entire company, I’d like to welcome you to the team. 10. We’re still looking_____ the matter. We should have an answer for you tomorrow.
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