B.E.L.L. Tips – Farming

B.E.L.L. Tips – Farming

Issue #79

English Tips for:

Business English Language Learners (B.E.L.L.)


I will send out some handy tips and useful exercises for adults learning to navigate and use the English language each week. Please feel free to share this newsletter with friends and colleagues.

Farming is a big part of the American landscape. Whether it is farming foods, livestock or Christmas trees, farming is essential to the American way of life. However, farms are declining in America. There are less than 2 million farms in America today, a steep decline from the 7 million working farms in 1935. The industry is facing threats from climate change, a changing workforce and international trade wars. Read on for more interesting facts about farming in America.

Reading Tip

Language Level – B2

Read this article from Business Insider about 9 mind-blowing facts about the US farming industry.


Listening Tip

Language Level – B2

Can we create the perfect farm? How do we feed the ever-growing population of the planet? Listen with the CC on to learn from this Ted Talk about the future of farming:

video preview

Grammar Tip

Language Level -B1

Active and Passive Voice

Active voice is the term for a verb whose subject performs the action of the verb.

Example: John paints the fence.

When the action of the verb is done to the subject, the verb is said to be in the passive voice.

Example: The fence was painted by John.

Why is this important?

Writing in the active voice is considered stronger in the English language, especially in American businesses. It also helps you write more concise sentences.

Sentences that use an active voice are:

  • Shorter
  • More direct
  • More authoritative
  • More engaging

Although, sentences that use a passive voice have their benefits as well. They are:

  • Can show a neutral or objective tone
  • Useful when the subject is unknown, unimportant, or obvious
  • Can direct focus to what is important in the sentence

Let’s Practice!

Identify the sentence with the active voice in each pair below:

  1. I cleaned the house today.
  2. The bathroom was cleaned yesterday.

  1. They were delayed by the rain.
  2. This puzzle is impossible to solve.

  1. The snowflakes fell gracefully from the clouds.
  2. The ice was broken in the pond.

  1. Have you found the exit?
  2. Jim found the exit around the corner.

  1. Peter slammed the door with tremendous force.
  2. The guests were startled by the loud noise.

  1. Paul imagined what the weather was like above the dark clouds.
  2. Suzy was seen tripping while she ran.

  1. The teddy bear was thrown into the corner.
  2. His eyes glowed with rage.

Vocabulary Tip

Language Level – B2

We continue to add to our vocabulary words from the Oxford 3000.

A list of 3000 words someone should know if they are taking the CEFR (Common European Framework Reference) language tests.

  1. Armed (adj)
  2. Arms (n)
  3. Artificial (adj)
  4. Artistic (adj)
  5. Ashamed (adj)
  6. Aspect (n)
  7. Assess (v)
  8. Assessment (n)
  9. Associate (v)
  10. Associated (adj)

You will find the definitions for this list of B2- level words in this quizlet.

Each week new words are added to the same quizlet, so all of the B2 level words will be in one list for practice.

Weekly Challenge

Language Level – B2

Farming Idioms

Read each sentence and choose the answer with the closest meaning to the words in italics.

1. Don’t chicken out of the competition.

a) call in sick

b) wear silly clothes

c) opt out from fear

2. We need to farm out the group testing to a third-party company.

a) delegate work outside of the company

b) hire additional people

c) delegate work to managers within the company

3. Don’t pig out when you take the clients to dinner.

a) eat very little

b) eat a lot

c) eat sloppily

4. I’m concerned about this merger and putting all of our eggs in one basket.

a) to risk everything on one venture

b) to divide the company into smaller pieces

c) to show your competitors all of your secrets

5. The boss has been in a very bad mood since the stock fell. Everyone is walking on eggshells.

a) walking quietly

b) not speaking

c) to behave carefully

6. I will give up my position as CEO when pigs fly.

a) tomorrow

b) in the future

c) never

7. The stock is plunging and the staff is running around like chickens with their heads cut off.

a) a calm jog around the park

b) running around in circles

c) panicked

8. I put 10% of my wages into a little nest egg for my retirement.

a) a sum of money to be spent right away

b) a sum of money saved for the future

c) a hidden sum of money


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