B.E.L.L. Tips – The American Civil Rights Movement

B.E.L.L. Tips – The American Civil Rights Movement

Issue #105

English Tips for:

Business English Language Learners (B.E.L.L.)

The American Civil Rights Movement

I will send out some handy tips and useful exercises for adults learning to navigate and use the English language each week. Please feel free to share this newsletter with friends and colleagues.

Monday, Jan. 20th, is a holiday in America to celebrate the contributions of the people who persevered through slavery, Jim Crow laws, Japanese internment camps, the Trail of Tears, and other atrocities in American history to create a movement that demanded civil rights for all its citizens.

It is also Inauguration Day; a new President will take office in the White House, and I believe we are on the precipice of a new dark era in American history, so I want to focus today’s newsletter on stories of the civil rights movement to remind ourselves that Americans have overcome a lot and can face this new threat with strength and dignity to persevere once more.

Listening Tip

Language Level – B1

Listen to this famous speech by MLK in Selma, Alabama. Turn on the CC to read the words as you listen.

video preview

Grammar Tip

Language Level – B1

Complex Sentences has one independant clause and at least one dependant clause.

Independent Clause – Can stand on its own and has a subject and verb.

Dependent Clause – Can NOT stand on its own as a sentence.

Example: We must not swim where the seals are.

Subordinating Conjunctions are used to link the clauses in the sentence. The most common subordinating conjunctions are although, because, before, even though, if, since, until, and when.

A comma ( , ) is often used to separate the clauses in a sentence.

Example: When I was a teenager, I ate at least four eggs a day.

Let’s Practice!

For each sentence below, identify the independent clause, the dependent clause, and the subordinating conjunction.

Example: Even though it is still raining, it will work.

  • Subordination conjunction – Even though
  • Dependent clause – Even though it is still raining
  • Independent clause – it will work

  1. Shake it until it breaks.
  2. When I finish my work, I will join you for dinner.
  3. After I finish my degree, I will pursue a career in the pharmaceutical industry.
  4. I think you’d like this book, since you love historical fiction.
  5. When they arrived at the restaurant, they realized it had already closed.
  6. If I won the lottery, I would travel around the world.
  7. He will buy a new car once he saves enough money.
  8. They will be driving to Florida since flights are too expensive.

Vocabulary Tip

Language Level – B2

We continue to add to our vocabulary words from the Oxford 3000.

A list of 3000 words someone should know if they are taking the CEFR (Common European Framework Reference) language tests.

  1. Fundemental (adj)
  2. Funding (n)
  3. Furthermore (adv)
  4. Gain (v, n)
  5. Gang (n)
  6. Generate (v)
  7. Genre (n)
  8. Govern (v)
  9. Grab (v)
  10. Grade (v)

Practice this vocabulary with QUIZLET.

Reading Tip

Language Level – C1

Ruby Bridges was a brave 6-year-old girl. As she was escorted to school by U.S. Marshalls, adults spat on her, called her names, and screamed obscenities at her. She wasn’t allowed to play on the playground or eat in the cafeteria, and her teacher resigned in protest. Read more about this iconic Civil Rights hero here:

Weekly Challenge

Language Level – C1

Practice your skills skimming through English text to find information. Use the link below to find information about major events of the civil rights movement from 1954 to 1968. Put the events below in chronological order (from first to last by date).

  • Brown vs. Board of Education Supreme Court Decision
  • March on Washington
  • Little Rock Nine Attend School
  • Interracial Marriage Declared Legal
  • Rosa Parks Refuses to Give Up Seat on the Bus
  • Greensboro Four Sit-In Movement
  • Martin Luther King is Assassinated
  • Selma March

Find these events and more here: https://www.britannica.com/list/timeline-of-the-american-civil-rights-movement


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